From Dieulefit back to Suresnes
Page 18
After Dieulefit and France liberated from German occupation, Hidayat and his family lived in peace in Dieulefit until 1947. As seen below, Gayan was born in Dieulefit on November 10, 1944. So the picture with Inayat, Fazal and Gayan must be in Dieulefit in the late summer of 1945.
Gayan Inayat Khan
November 10, 1944
Gayan, male, born from Hidayat Inayat Khan and Helena Annie Flentge at Dieulefit on November 13, 1944. Number 88 on the register.
Hidayat and Helena in Dieulefit
On November 10, 1944, Helena gave birth to Gayan, the third child of the family. Hidayat was working in the ceramic factory to provide for the family, teaching music at the lycee musical and meditation at the Beauvallon school.
However, the letter below with numerous others obtained from the Sufi museum in The Hague, Netherlands, show that Hidayat was working to get back the family home in Suresnes that had been requisitioned first by the German and then by the Red Cross to house injured soldiers.
The letter below shows that Hidayat was still living on "rue du Bourg" in Dieulefit and sought compensation for property damage during the war and its aftermath. They will eventually move back to Suresnes in early 1947 to take back possession of the family home.
In Suresnes, Hidayat and Helena established a ceramic factory based on what they learned in Dieulefit. Gayan commented that the family was happy in Dieulefit and with a heavy heart they had to move to Suresnes.
Letters to Hidayat's mother
On September 1st, 1945, Hidayat sent the following message to his mother from Dieulefit:
Dear Mother,
I have not been able to write to you since so many years owing to circumstances. During the first four years of German occupation, correspondance with England was prohibited. Moreover I Was not able to correspond by means of Red Cross owing to the difficulties which would eventually arise on account of my British nationality. During the year which preceded liberation I was obliged to hide in the mountains with wife and children but I suppose Vilayat has told you all this. He came to us a month ago and gave me the frightful news about Babuly….. Yours most affectionately, Bhayajan.
On December 13th, 1945, Hidayat gave his mother the following news, by telegram regarding Fazal Manzil in Suresnes:
Arrived Suresnes. House partial occupation Red Cross.
We Rubies Four, Claire Ray Harper & David Ray Harper. Page 150 & 151